
… join me in a cup of coffee, and let’s speak about this life, and all the other possible lives.

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of Frequency

  1. Sometimes all we need is a selfie. One that we don’t share with anyone but ourselves.

  2. We often stumble upon those who need us, but we rarely find those whom we need.

  3. Many people often suffer because they pursue later what they desire now.

  4. Sometimes our reflected image says more about the mirror than ourselves.

  5. The open secret to success lies in something we daily neglect, which is 'daily'.

  6. How sad it is that we sabotage ourselves continuously but love ourselves occasionally.

  7. It’s almost always hard to answer a 'Have you ever...?' question without feeling nostalgic.

  8. Sometimes we refuse to accept that the gate we are trying to cross is already open.

  9. Everyone needs someone in front of whom they can cry sometimes.

  10. Eventually, we discover that it has always been about the people, not the things.

  11. We used to be close friends, but we were different people back then.

  12. How funny it is that women always hint and men almost never notice.

  13. Love often gifts us with a blurry view of the mistakes of those whom we love.

  14. People fight because they regularly ignore what they should frequently discuss.

  15. Even those with bad memories have never forgotten the names of those they loved.

  16. People who always eat together seldom fight.

  17. Sadly, out of sight is not always out of mind.

  18. We hardly ever succeed in concentrating with someone we don’t like.

  19. There is only one rule for happiness: cleanse your heart daily.

  20. Every now and then, life tests us with someone whom we fail to love yet who can truly lift us up.

  21. The problem is that our hearts are usually crowded with those who hardly ever acknowledge us.

Books in Need

Books in Need